Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Alkaline Forming Foods Help You Stay Healthy and Fit

There’s too much attention on alkaline diet plans these days. These interests are not misplaced owing to the importance of maintaining the healthy pH level of our bodies. Acidity is responsible for giving us almost all the diseases and illnesses that we suffer during our entire lifetime such as cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes just to name a few. An acidic body is an ideal climate for harboring pathogens and increasing their number. Sometimes they’re called oxidants or free radicals. There’s nothing deadlier than they when they’re left unchecked. And they can be found anywhere in the environment, like the pollutants that surround us. They’re also in the food that we eat, especially if you’re a smoker or consume a lot of alcoholic drinks.


The pH Level

The neutral pH level is 7. When it goes down, say 6.9 and below, that’s when acidity occurs, and you don’t want that to go down further. Instead, it’s advisable to bring your body pH higher; 7.4 is the ideal one, but there’s a limit to how high it should go.

So what are some means of getting an alkaline supply to the body? One way is by drinking alkaline water. Not distilled or purified water, but alkaline water. Prebiotic preparations are also one way of sourcing alkaline essentials. You can also include bee pollen, green tea, and would you believe it: apple cider vinegar. Alkalizing minerals are also one way of getting a fair amount of alkaline supply. They’re present only in trace amounts in the food that we eat, so the best way of getting some is by taking them in pills and tablets form.

Consuming Alkaline Foods

Eating alkaline forming foods also serves a double purpose. The first benefit is you’ll stop eating unhealthy foods that increase body acidity; second, you ensure your health by eating only healthy foods. You should pick up an alkaline diet book as a guide to help you determine which foods will increase your alkalinity or decrease your acidity.

Alkaline forming foods neutralize body acidity then shift it to a more alkaline condition with the properties that they contain. But we can’t exist only by eating pure alkaline food since too much alkalinity is also bad for the body. A balance should be struck; a certain ratio and proportion should be maintained to enhance the body’s well-being. A 40:60 combination between acidic and alkaline food consumption will do well in striking a compatible equilibrium.



Veggies or green foods are mostly alkaline in nature and meat is considered basic. But if you cook and garnish it with mushrooms, lettuce, or green peas, which are alkaline forming foods, the combination will give the dish a healthy outcome. Ice cream is another acid forming food, but with real avocado, chestnuts and almonds, the dessert can still be relatively healthy. Banana split ice cream is good.  Some fish are acidic such as cod and oysters. But cooking them in tomato sauce, sprinkling chili pepper and squeezing some lemon on them is another healthy recipe to try.

It will help your effort a lot if you’re well aware of the alkaline forming foods. You may have to scale back on consuming some of the acidic foods, but there’s no need to deny yourself of them. Many of them are really delicious and mouthwatering.  To get a good listing of alkaline enhancing foods, surf the internet. There are many websites, which display these listings.

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